
Nba 2k20 1.03 패치노트

2019-09-14 08:13:50

NBA 2K20 update 1.03 Patch notes (Updated)
-Fixed a major issue that was causing the game to hang at intermittent times (e.g. when accessing the VIP Stats menu, when completing games in Domination, when playing Play Now Online games, and more).
-Addressed a number of issues in MyCAREER to greatly improve the user experience in that mode.
-Fixed an issue where some MyPLAYER names would disappear (may need to create a new build to correct existing saves).
-Numerous Gameplay improvements & fixes including: support for standing stepback escapes and finishing alley-oops with Pro Stick, out of bounds awareness improvements, more reliable interior shot defense contact detection, logic fixes for certain badges, and much more.
-Addressed an exploit that allowed users to play players out of position in MyTEAM.
-Fixed an issue where some users were reporting they were not receiving the correct reward cards from Domination games in MyTEAM.
-Fixed an issue where some users were not receiving their awards when achieving new Collector Levels in MyTEAM.
-Many, many more fixes included to improve the overall experience of NBA 2K20!
-With today’s update R2/RT + RS Down = Sepback Escape.
For Behind Back Escape. R2/RT + RS Down Left/Right (Like the standing tween legs but with Turbo.)
-Fixed Zach‘s render.
-Fixed speed and stamina issues.
-Multiplayer improvements.
-Fixed crashing issues.
-Added stability improvements.
-Various other minor fixes.

마이 플레이어 이름문제 수정했다면서 얘기가 더 써져 있는데 마이 플레이어 빌드를 새로 만들라는건가요??

Updated at 2019-09-14 08:34:12

와! 제자리 스탭백 진짜 필요했는데 결국 부활시켜줬군요. 드리블을 시작하려해도 상대 수비가 보통 딱 붙어있기 때문에 제자리 스탭백으로 공간 벌리는게 필요했었는데 이제라도 다시 부활시켜서 다행이네요. PC는 아직 업데이트 안한 것 같던데 빨리 됐으면 좋겠네요.
그리고 사이즈업 콤보랑 리듬 드리블은 대체 왜 없애버렸는지 모르겠네요.. 엘리트 드리블도 없어져서 간지나는 드리블 콤보 넣는 재미가 사라졌어요.

2019-09-16 11:57:13

 36기가 패치는 처음봄; 엑엑으로 한 9시간 걸린듯

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