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몸무게 커리어하이를 찍은 르브론제임스..??

2019-02-16 16:18:58


As the Los Angeles Lakers head into the All-Star break, some are worried that superstar LeBron James has put on significant weight.

James, who is listed at 6-foot-8 and 250 pounds, may have added size while he was sidelined with his groin injury from December 27 until January 29. It is not unusual for a player to struggle with their weight while recovering, but this would be fairly unprecedented for the three-time NBA champion.

While all of the analysts on the Hoop Collective podcast said that James looks bigger than they have ever seen him, Brian Windhorst gave precise details when discussing the superstar’s unique size (via ESPN):

“He got injured midway through the season. He couldn’t do his normal workouts. Normally, he is able to build into great shape… He’s just off. The word on the street is that LeBron is 280 right now… I mean, he carries it well.”

NBA trainer Travelle Gaines, who has worked with several top players around the league including Jimmy Butler, told HoopsHype that James looks like he weighs closer to 260 pounds.

“LeBron has the best sports performance around him,” said Gaines. “He is always going to be in the top shape.”

Regardless, this would not be the first time that some have questioned his weight. For comparison, the common belief is that James weighed between 275 and 280 pounds during his final few seasons with the Miami Heat.

But then in August 2014, Windhorst reported that the four-time NBA MVP had cut out carbs to slim down before the 2014-15 season. In fact, James had previously cut out everything except for meat, fish, vegetables and fruit for 67 days to drop approximately 30 pounds.

복귀전보다 복귀후가 몸집이 더 큰거 같긴 해요...

2019-02-16 16:31:06

10키로까진 아니더라도 좀 찐것같긴해요.

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르브론도 대사량이 줄어 급격히 살이 찌는 그 나이가 된 겁니다. 사람마다 조금씩 다른긴 한데, 저도 두 번 그런 시기가 왔었는데. 르브론 노화설은 진실인 것으로..

2019-02-17 13:58:20

30대 중반이다 보니
대사량이 많이 떨어졌을에요.

2019-02-16 16:50:29

살이찌지 않더라도 자이온과 비교해도 몸의 너비로는 르브론이 결코 지지 않겠죠 만18세 데뷔때 호리호리한 몸으로도 245파운드의 내추럴 괴물이었으니.. 도대체 레이커스 말론은 몇 파운드였는지 궁금하기도 해요
어쨌든 르브론도 진정한 자기와의 싸움이 시작되었네요

2019-02-16 16:58:16


확실히 마지막 MVP시즌 이후~레이커스 시절 말론이 가장 벌크업된 몸이였죠.

Updated at 2019-02-16 17:20:14

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지금 280파운드라고요?

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트레이너 이름도 Gaines네요 벌크업은 확실히 시켜줄듯 

2019-02-16 23:26:11

NO PAIN!!! NO GAIN!!!! 쮜이야아아아아!!!!!!!

2019-02-17 04:08:33

다른 사람도 아니고 일년에 백만불 넘게 몸관리 투자하는 르브론입니다. 이유가 있겠죠.

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