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탐슨이 팀 파트에 최대한 참여해주길 원하는 조 레이콥 구단주

Updated at 2020-11-27 15:35:21

“It’s been a really, really hard season for Klay,” Kerr told me last March, obviously after the ACL and before the Achilles tear. “He loves to play basketball so much and just not being able to play has crushed him. And so he was, unlike Steph, over the last couple, few months, he hasn’t been around as often as Steph was. I was OK with that just because it was so frustrating for Klay just to be at practice watching and not really being able to do anything.”

저번 시즌에는 팀과 지속적으로 연락은 했겠지만 위와 같은 이유로 나름 자율권을 주고 개인적으로 재활에 임했었습니다. 실제로 주로 재활하던 장소가 본인의 고향인 서던 캘리포니아 쪽이었고 레이커스, 클리퍼스 원정이나 홈경기장에 뜨문뜨문 나타났긴 했지만 원정 경기는 시즌 말이 되어서야 합류하기도 했구요.

그러나 조 레이콥 구단주의 최근 인터뷰를 보면

It was notable that Lacob told me he hopes Klay is around the team this season while he recovers from the torn Achilles suffered last week, and Lacob made that exact point to Klay himself.

What’s implied: The Warriors would like Klay to be with the team this season more than he was while he rehabbed his torn ACL last season, and it’s doubly important because now it will be Klay’s second consecutive missed campaign.

“He will recover from this and his job is waiting for him when he returns. I would like him to spend as much as he can with the team and his teammates. And even with me. I offered that up. I said stay involved. Because it’s going to be tough for him to get through this and we all know that.”

“What we’re going to go through is difficult, adjusting. Financially, it may be difficult. But hey, it’s not as important as what he’s going through.”

재활하는 동안 최대한 팀 파트에 참여해주길 권했다고 하는데 아마 두 시즌 연속 큰 부상으로 아웃된 만큼 좀 더 팀적으로 신경써서 관리에 들어가려는 것 같고 다음 시즌은 코트 밖에선 어시스턴트 코치라던지 벤치 치어리더(?)로서 모습을 자주 드러내지 않을까 싶습니다.

아직까지 남겨진 코멘트가 없습니다. 님의 글에 코멘트를 남겨주세요!
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