
현재 스위스입니다. 드론날리면 큰일 날까요?

2023-05-29 15:10:04

250그램 아래는 드론 등록만 하래서 웹사이트들어가서 하고있는데

가입하고 막상 등록하는곳은 언어는 독일/이태리/프랑스어 뿐이고 구글로 어찌저찌 넘어가다보니 드론 보험 정보 입력하래서 뭐 아직 등록도 못하고있는데..

이거 어찌해야하나요?
그냥 사진 영상만 간직하고픈건데...

그냥 날리면 큰일나겠죠?

2023-05-29 15:15:50

Drone operators must register all drones in Switzerland. Following registration, you must adhere to the following rules.

Drones may fly up to 50 meters (170 feet) above ground or sea level in the Open category and up to 120 meters (400 feet) in the Specific category. (The FOCA may grant exemptions to operators of specific category drones.)
Direct visual contact with the drone is required, and the operating distance should not exceed 500 meters.
Avoid flying too close to residential areas or populated areas.
Maintain a safety buffer zone of one kilometer around residential areas.
Unless the owner/person consents, a safety distance of 500 meters from isolated buildings, people, vehicles, animals, and structures is required.
Avoid flying near airports and heliports. Stay a minimum of eight (8) kilometers away from airports and three (3) kilometers from heliports for safety.
At no time is it permissible to fly a drone at night.
There shall be no flying over, within, or near military installations, public utility installations, archaeological sites, or public or private facilities.

이것만 지키시면 날릴수 있을거 같네요.

2023-05-30 01:24:03
그러니까 거기 제일 윗줄에 등록하라고 되어 있는데 등록을 못하고 있다는 말씀이시죠.
드론 관련되서는 지역마다 (심지어 미국같은 나라는 지자체마다) 룰도 다르고, 실제 룰을 어디까지 적용하는지도 달라서 ... 이 지역 사시거나 직접 여행해보신 분이 알려주셔야할것 같네요
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